Saturday, March 24, 2007

News Article and Town History... and Photoshop!

Town of Grip River is underway and I have been working on additional content for the opening and the website. I have finished photoshoping the new Town Hall built into a construction site and with a truck, signs, and equipment around it. The picture is going to be added to the index page and the Town Hall Map.

I have started building the Court House that I will place in the show along with the Town Hall model. I will photoshop the Court House into another landscape after my opening on April 6th (since I am proposing its construction at the opening).

I have also written out a News article about the Ground Breaking ceremony in Word that will be added to the website next week. I also wrote out a short article informing the public about the opening on at Cactus Bra on April 6th.

Tonight I am going over to my neighbor's house after gallery siting to discuss the music I want to use for my performance. We will edit some big brass band music and put it on his iPod that will be pumped through sound equipment at the show.

Sunday I will start move into a new studio space, work on my speech/performance for the opening, and sketch out the power point presentation that will accompany the performance (I plan on having the speech and power point presentation completed by Wednesday of next week).

Monday, March 19, 2007

It takes a whole villiage....

Town of Grip River update!

Well, the site is up and running with working email addresses and some cool page holders (a lot of the pages will get updated after the opening on April 6th... man-o-man it is getting close.

Luisa, Young, Erin, Mira, Vicki, and I shot the ground breaking last weekend and the pictures look great. I am still deciding which one I am going to use for the show... but I hope to make that choice by tonight. I have been working a lot with photo shop the last week and I have created a page holder and I am almost finished with another "altered landscape" for the site. I haven't decided if I am going to blow one of them up for the show or just leave it on the website... we will see how it looks when it is done.

I also got some video from the ground breaking that I plan on editing into news footage after the opening and placing on the website. I was able to go home for a few days and I picked up some frames for the photographs and drawings that will look great (a friend and I built them when I was in undergrad out of house molding... good stuff good stuff).

Well, that’s all for now.


Sunday, March 4, 2007

Website... How I hate The (well... actually my computer)!

Working on the Website -

I preparation for my up coming exhibition at Cactu Bra Space in San Antonio, TX I am creating a website to post information about my town, Grip River. Over the past week to week-and-a-half I have been playing around with different web page building programs. Friday I decided to go with a program that I used a lot in undergrad to build websites, Microsoft Front Page.

I purchased Front Page as well as a comprehensive manual to help me with any problems I would face (and man... did I have problems). I worked on the website all day Friday until the late hours of the night (or early morning I forget) and drove to Austin Saturday morning with CPU in hand to work on it at my friend's apartment over the weekend.

Saturday was filled with frustration, but I was making head way and getting a lot of pages laid out with help from my friend. I went to upload the site and found out that the host site hadn't up loaded the directory like they told me they would (on Tuesday)... so now I have to wait 72 hours before I can post it on the web.

Then... just as I finished laying out the index page, template, and other pages that only needing links to complete them, my computer completely crashed on me! I was trying to get some Adobe updates when my Windows registry got corrupted! Instead of being able to site back and relax for a job well done I am scrambling to re-format my computer and pray that I can pull the work off the hard drive when I install Windows in a second folder... no luck... it was gone!

All that work this weekend waisted and I was forced to spend my Sunday running updates and installing software on my computer. Hopefully by next weekend I can have the website up and running before Spring Break hits.

I hope everyone had a more "productive" weekend then I did and certainly a less stressful one!
