Sunday, March 4, 2007

Website... How I hate The (well... actually my computer)!

Working on the Website -

I preparation for my up coming exhibition at Cactu Bra Space in San Antonio, TX I am creating a website to post information about my town, Grip River. Over the past week to week-and-a-half I have been playing around with different web page building programs. Friday I decided to go with a program that I used a lot in undergrad to build websites, Microsoft Front Page.

I purchased Front Page as well as a comprehensive manual to help me with any problems I would face (and man... did I have problems). I worked on the website all day Friday until the late hours of the night (or early morning I forget) and drove to Austin Saturday morning with CPU in hand to work on it at my friend's apartment over the weekend.

Saturday was filled with frustration, but I was making head way and getting a lot of pages laid out with help from my friend. I went to upload the site and found out that the host site hadn't up loaded the directory like they told me they would (on Tuesday)... so now I have to wait 72 hours before I can post it on the web.

Then... just as I finished laying out the index page, template, and other pages that only needing links to complete them, my computer completely crashed on me! I was trying to get some Adobe updates when my Windows registry got corrupted! Instead of being able to site back and relax for a job well done I am scrambling to re-format my computer and pray that I can pull the work off the hard drive when I install Windows in a second folder... no luck... it was gone!

All that work this weekend waisted and I was forced to spend my Sunday running updates and installing software on my computer. Hopefully by next weekend I can have the website up and running before Spring Break hits.

I hope everyone had a more "productive" weekend then I did and certainly a less stressful one!


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