Saturday, April 14, 2007

Semester is coming to an end...

Hey everyone-

Well, as we all know the semester is coming to an end with a lot of work still to finish.

We have less then a month to wrap it all up and I need to edit two videos for Leslie's class before then end of the semester. The first video is going to be a mini-new clip that talks abou the ground breaking for Grip River's new Town Hall and the second will be editing my State of the Town Address from my opening from Cactus last week.

The ground breaking will have Mira (hopefully) do the voice over for the clip and create a "Grip River News" logo and text and use that for the show in May at the down town campus.

The Town Address will require me to create some opening imagery on the computer, cut out the vocals, and lay them over a power point presentation. When that is completed I will probably do some ending credits to thank the friends of mine who helped me at the opening (Connie, Lusia, Jayne, etc.).

Thats it from Fort Worth, TX (went home for probably the second time this semester).



Monday, April 9, 2007

Opening at Cactus on Friday, April 6th


The opening didn't go quite as planned, but it went all the same. Spent last Thursday day (and night) installing the work and putting up wall info as well as attend the UTSA grad show "Mo + PoMo" which was great. I ended up having a mini-opening that night since so many of the faculty were not coming out on First Friday. I got some great responses from everyone and it was fun.... but I still had a lot of work to do for Friday.

I stayed up late (as usual) and edited my resume and put things in order before I went to bed. I got up early on Friday so I could resize my images for my power point presentation for the show, pick up the food, my suite, buy a shovel for my neighbor Charlie (since I put his in the show), and had to meet my other neighbor Joie at his how to load up the sound equipment and take it to Cactus.

Well... needless to day we got it all up and working at the buzzer (6 pm) and we waited for the sound portion/power point to start. I ended up enlisting some help from some of my citizens (Connie Swann and Jayne Lawrence) to help get the projector in place before I made my entrance.

I got a lot of strange questions from the crowed, but I feel that I fielded them well considering. Today I hope to burn the performance (video taped by Luisa Wheeler) onto a DVD so I can put it into Cactus so people can come by and view it.

I am going to try to work on some video editing in peroration for the viewing at the UTSA Downtown campus for early May and work on my skills for the Barcelona class.

That’s all for now folks.... for now!

Ian O'Brien
Mayor of Grip River

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Its Almost Show Time!

Its Almost Show Time!

Ian O'Brien: Under Construction at Cactus Bra Space is underway... but there is a lot left to be done!

My neighbor and I created some audio to star off the performance portion of my exhibition. We laid down ambient crowd noise to be pumped in from the back room with various "announcements" dropped in to the audio track with a "Mayoral Introduction" at the end of it.

I have been working on and editing the photographs that I will print off for the exhibition (Thanks to Young and Luisa) and I have cleaned up the frames as well as picked up everything that I need to frame them! The plan is to go in and print them on Monday or Tuesday and frame them along with my drawing that will be installed on Wednesday along with the artifacts (shovel and helmet).

I am going to continue to work on the Town History and the Power Point Presentation that I will use for the opening. I hope to have a dry run of it on Tuesday afternoon during Connie Lowe's painting class (12-3). I would appreciate any and all feedback on the presentation so I can make any last minute changes before the opening on Friday!

I hope everyone had an equally productive weekend and I will see on Monday at 11 AM!


Also go check out Glasstire... the listed th show and I love the pic!